Trinity Park Foundation Update, Spring 2024

By Shelley Dekker

I am happy to report that Red Mill Landscaping came through for us and installed an irrigation system in the gardens in the northwest corner of the park. These are the gardens that border the park from the granite steps along W. Trinity Avenue around the corner to the granite steps on Watts Street. The Blossom Garden Club continues to care for the gardens in the park, and the group is thrilled that they will no longer have to lug heavy hoses around all summer long. We would again like to thank Peggy Kinney and Andy Stewart for contributing to this project through their monthly donations via PayPal.  

In February we learned that the TPNA in partnership with the Foundation was awarded another grant from the Duke Office of Durham & Community Affairs to assist in restoring the brick and wood steps that lead into The Trinity Park from the W. Trinity Avenue sidewalk. We hired Sundial Landscaping to do this work, and the job was completed in early June. Thank you, Duke University, for offering these useful grants to the Durham community.

The Foundation continues to organize and support other maintenance work in The Trinity Park. Bartlett Tree Experts will be out to prune the dead wood out of the large ash trees in the park soon as well as several of the oaks. The Blossom Garden Club held workdays in the park in March and April, with several gardeners contributing plants to the park. Cavett French, Betsy Norman, Chris Jewell, and Sarah Hodder each gave several plants. 

Other 2024 Foundation projects include the replacement of the utility pole light in the park with a decorative street lamp, as well as having another one third of the Trinity median landscaped and mulched. Stay on the lookout for calls for volunteers to help weed, mulch, and contribute plants to our medians and park.

Finally we would like to thank Deb and James Dobbins for their annual donation to the Foundation. We are immensely grateful for their ongoing support. Please visit the Foundation’s website at if you would like to make a one-time or ongoing donation, or send a check to The Trinity Park Foundation, Inc., P.O. Box 725, Durham, NC 27702. If you have ideas for capital improvement projects within our neighborhood, email the Foundation Board at

Stewardship and beautification, Trinity Park Foundation