Meet My Neighbor: Christopher Gergen and Heather Graham

By Steve Unruhe

Names: Christopher Gergen and Heather Graham, children Maya and Liam

Occupation(s): Heather–Director, Learning Differences Program, Oak Foundation; Christopher–Chief Growth Officer, 4P Foods, Founding Partner, Raleigh Founded

Why did you move to Trinity Park?  We moved to Trinity Park from Mount Pleasant in Washington, DC, 15 years ago.  The catalyst was Christopher teaching Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship at Duke. It’s been a great place to raise our family and be part of an amazing community.  We were also attracted by Trinity Park’s walkability, including our kids’ ability to walk across the street to Watts Elementary, the opportunity to stroll downtown for the Farmers Market or a dinner out with friends, and the accessibility of East Campus where our children learned to ride their bikes and we regularly walk our dogs.

What surprised you about Trinity Park?  The pure scale of Halloween!  Coming from a lively Halloween scene in DC, we thought we were prepared. But the first year we ran out of candy in about 15 minutes. We love having friends over to help give out well over 1,000 pieces of candy each Halloween.

The one thing we like best about Trinity Park? The number of friends we have made throughout the community.  From catching up with neighbors on the street, to porch sitting, to spontaneous dinners with friends, to raising kids here, to being part of a long-standing running group, to helping welcome new friends to the neighborhood… we have loved being part of a strong community of engaged, kind people who look out for one another.

If we could improve one thing about Trinity Park it would be … making the bike boulevard on Watts St. permanent and turning Gregson and Duke Streets two-way.

Personal interest