Trinity Park Merch

You asked for it, we got it!  New swag available for purchase! T-shirts, stickers, mugs, and more, in a variety of logo options. Check it out and buy a gift for yourself, your family, or your neighbor. To access our shop, go

Posted in Uncategorized

Bus Crash on Gregson

By Mollie Flowe Many of you will be aware of the school bus crash which occurred on Gregson St. on October 30. A car and school bus collided at the intersection of Markham and Gregson. The car came to rest

Posted in Advocacy, Health and safety, Neighborhood concerns, Traffic

Happy Holidays from PAC2

By Mimi Kessler Partners Against Crime is a community-based volunteer organization that works at the neighborhood level on crime prevention strategies and quality of life issues.  Each of Durham’s five police Districts has a corresponding PAC organization that meets monthly. 

Posted in Neighborhood concerns

Live Nativity at Reality Center: December 20, 6-7 pm

You’re invited to The Live Nativity at the reality Center on Friday, December 20, from 6:00 to 7:00 pm. Address: 916 Lamond Ave. It will be a family-friendly evening with worship, warm drinks, and snacks. The Reality Ministries annual Live

Posted in Uncategorized

DSA Is Moving. What’s Next?

By Steve Unruhe With the Durham school board’s final vote on August 22 to move the Durham School of the Arts to a new location on Duke Homestead Road, neighbors and the community are asking “What is next for the

Posted in Advocacy, Education, Neighborhood concerns, New Developments, TPNA

If This House Could Talk… Yard Signs from the 2024 Home Tour

By Karalyn Colopy The 2024 Trinity Park Home Tour was held on the sunny afternoon of Sunday, October 20. About 600 neighbors and visitors bought tickets, another 50 served as volunteers, and all enjoyed meeting new people, reconnecting with friends,

Posted in Arts and culture, Community development, Home Tour, Neighborhood Events, Personal interest

Meet My Neighbor: Christopher Gergen and Heather Graham

By Steve Unruhe Names: Christopher Gergen and Heather Graham, children Maya and Liam Occupation(s): Heather–Director, Learning Differences Program, Oak Foundation; Christopher–Chief Growth Officer, 4P Foods, Founding Partner, Raleigh Founded Why did you move to Trinity Park?  We moved to Trinity

Posted in Personal interest

Trinity Park Foundation Update, Winter 2024

By Shelley Dekker, Trinity Park Foundation President The Trinity Park Foundation is happy to report that the beloved gazebo in the park has been washed, primed, and painted, and all was finished in time for the Home Tour. We thank

Posted in Arts and culture, Environment, Recreation, Trinity Park Foundation

Serving in Memory of a Friend: Work day honoring memory of Scott Schuett

By Tim McNulty Neighbors and friends who fondly remember Scott Schuett and his dedication to keeping Trinity Park clean and beautiful came together on October 26 to walk the streets and gardens, pruning, weeding, and collecting roadside litter. Scott led

Posted in Environment, Neighborhood Events, Personal interest, Stewardship and beautification

Solar Panels at Watts Street Baptist Church

By William McCraw, WSBC Member Spurred by federal  government and Duke Energy incentives, Watts Street Baptist Church recently installed a solar photovoltaic (PV) system. Because of practical restrictions and aesthetic concerns associated with installing solar panels on the church’s terra

Posted in Environment, Local Businesses or Organizations