2022 was a good year, getting back on track after adjusting to Covid. As in 2020 and 2021, the TPNA continued to meet virtually, grateful for the convenience and flexibility that Zoom allows. But we also missed the richer interaction of in-person gatherings. Fortunately, we were able to resume all of our regular community events this year. For the first time since 2019, we held the Spring Egg Hunt. For the first time since 2018, we held the Home Tour. Some more highlights of the year:
Guest speakers at our monthly meetings. May – Durham Police Dept. Lt. Nick Cloninger on crime and safety concerns; Aug – Rickie White of Ellerbe Creek Watershed Assoc. on “Why Urban Nature Matters”; Sep – John Tallmadge of Bike Durham on working for safe, affordable, sustainable transportation for all.
Hundreds of neighbors at in-person community events. Spring Egg Hunt (Apr 16), National Night Out (Aug 2), Halloween (Oct 31), Luminaria (Dec 18). Thanks to Waugh Wright and Steve Falzarano for organizing! Sadly we could not find a date for the Durham Symphony Pops in the Park. Maybe in 2023. Stay tuned.
Clean-up events and initiatives. Hazardous waste pick-up with Jerry Reese (July 24), and adopt-a-block trash pick-up program (which could still use a few more volunteers). Thanks to Julia Borbely-Brown for organizing!
Community meeting on June 1 to discuss the pros and cons of Local Historic District designation. Thanks to the 50+ participants and our esteemed panelists for lending their professional insights, including neighbors Tony Sease and David Berger.
Home Tour on Oct 16. Thanks to the 9 homeowners, 75 volunteers, 19 local business sponsors, and 800 ticket-buyers who made it all possible! The event raised about $20,000, to benefit Families Moving Forward and the Trinity Park Foundation.
Monitoring developments in local traffic, crime and safety, wetlands development, Northgate re-development, and the Bullpen, the new downtown social district.
Successful March membership drive with 2 raffle winners selected from all eligible members. We’re grateful to all who join TPNA, any time of year! Thanks to all members for your support. Membership dues keep us going.
Looking forward to 2023, we’ll be meeting in person more often, figuring out the best combination of convenience and connection for us. We plan to hold all our regular community events and hope to find some new activities to bring us together in new ways, too.
We encourage all to get involved. Here are a few ways:
- Volunteer to help maintain our website
- Help with a community workday like Earth Day clean-up or gardening in the Park
- Volunteer at the Spring Egg Hunt or on Halloween
- Write a newsletter article on a topic you care about
- Attend a traffic committee meeting
- Attend monthly Board meetings and share what’s on your mind