Blog Archives

Trinity Park Foundation Update, Spring 2024

By Shelley Dekker I am happy to report that Red Mill Landscaping came through for us and installed an irrigation system in the gardens in the northwest corner of the park. These are the gardens that border the park from

Posted in Stewardship and beautification, Trinity Park Foundation

Stepping Into the Park’s History

By Karalyn Colopy If you’re new to Trinity Park you might not know the story behind our neighborhood park.  If you have lived here a while, you might have contributed to its construction!  Our little park has a long and

Posted in Health and safety, Stewardship and beautification, Trinity Park Foundation

Trinity Park Foundation Update

By Shelley Dekker In August, the Foundation was thrilled to complete the restoration of the granite steps leading into The Trinity Park from W. Trinity Ave.  Thanks to Sundial Landscaping for the fine work and to the TPNA, a Duke

Posted in Neighborhood concerns, Stewardship and beautification, Trinity Park Foundation

Restoring the granite park steps on W. Trinity Ave.

Did you know that our neighborhood park was once the site of a house? Our little park has a long and interesting history.  It is located on the site of the former Warren-Farthing House, built in 1906 for James B.

Posted in Arts and culture, Health and safety, Recreation, Stewardship and beautification, Trinity Park Foundation

Trinity Park Foundation: Taking Care of Our Shared Spaces

by Shelley Dekker, Trinity Park Foundation President After a successful fundraiser in 2021 and TPNA Home Tour in 2022, the Trinity Park Foundation (TPF), the neighborhood’s 501(c)(3) charitable entity, has been able to move forward with several neighborhood improvements.  A

Posted in Stewardship and beautification, Trinity Park Foundation, Volunteering

Capital improvements in the neighborhood for 2023

The Trinity Park Foundation, a separate organization from the Trinity Park Neighborhood Association, is a 501(c)3 charitable organization and is charged with making capital improvements to the public spaces in the neighborhood, focusing on the park, the medians, public artwork,

Posted in Stewardship and beautification, Trinity Park Foundation, Volunteering

Trinity Avenue Median

The Trinity Park Foundation is in touch with local garden designers to talk about a long-term maintenance and landscaping plan for the large median that runs along W. Trinity Ave. between Buchanan Blvd. and Watts St. The City of Durham owns

Posted in Stewardship and beautification, Trinity Park Foundation

Caring for Our Public Spaces

The Trinity Park Foundation, garden upkeep and the Blossom Garden Club The Trinity Park Foundation is the neighborhood’s non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable entity. It was formed in 1980 to purchase the land at the corner of Watts St. and West Trinity

Posted in Environment, Stewardship and beautification, Trinity Park Foundation, Volunteering

Trinity Park Foundation: Help Maintain Our Trees!

By Shelley Dekker Do you love clean & cool air, birds, and beneficial insects? Help maintain our trees! We are fortunate to have a fairly healthy tree canopy in Trinity Park, but it takes ongoing effort to replace the many

Posted in Environment, Stewardship and beautification, Trinity Park Foundation

Trinity Park Foundation Update: New Labels for Artwork

With a $1400 grant from Duke through the Duke-Durham Neighborhood Partnership, awarded in partnership with TPNA, the Trinity Park Foundation purchased (and will soon install) long-hoped-for bronze labels for the three works of art located in The Trinity Park.  With

Posted in Stewardship and beautification, Trinity Park Foundation