By Karalyn Colopy
The recent rash of home break-ins, car break-ins, and theft has left many in our community feeling rattled and uncertain, and some devastated. We are sorry for all the loss, disruption, and frustration. Thanks to all who have notified neighbors as well as police to help raise awareness and aid the investigation.
As of early September, the police have some leads. Assistant Chief Piatt in the Investigative Services Bureau reported:
“We are aware of the break-ins in the area and have been working on several leads regarding these crimes. While we cannot give out specific information, I can say that we do have persons of interest in many of these cases, which we believe are related. I would encourage everyone in the area to continue to remain vigilant as they have always done; remember to set your alarms and lock your doors and windows, and report anything suspicious immediately either via 911 or our non-emergency number (919-560-4600).”