On July 7, from 7 to 9 pm, about 30 neighbors gathered on zoom for a special TPNA meeting to air out issues related to the placement of internet fiber optic cables in city right-of-ways in our neighborhood. Representatives from the City of Durham Public Works Department and from Verizon were present to listen, share their perspectives, and give a sense of their commitment/ability to rectify the problems. At the end of the meeting, the TPNA Board voted on a resolution to formally ask the City to take action to prevent further / future damage. See the recording of the meeting below.
As background, from October 2020 until the present, Trinity Park residents have been experiencing minor and major disruptions resulting from fiber optic cable work, in many cases without advance notice or any communication. Problems include prolonged periods of construction noise; damage to trees, sidewalks and yards; traffic flow disruptions; cutting of utility lines (internet, water, sewer), sometimes resulting in extensive private property damage or personal expense, with inadequate repair or compensation; and, in one instance, damage to a gas line, necessitating late night evacuations in a significant portion of the neighborhood, causing widespread fear and distress.
TPNA will remain in contact with the City and with Verizon as resolution of these issues proceeds.