Capital improvements in the neighborhood for 2023

The Trinity Park Foundation, a separate organization from the Trinity Park Neighborhood Association, is a 501(c)3 charitable organization and is charged with making capital improvements to the public spaces in the neighborhood, focusing on the park, the medians, public artwork,

Posted in Stewardship and beautification, Trinity Park Foundation, Volunteering

Trinity Avenue Median

The Trinity Park Foundation is in touch with local garden designers to talk about a long-term maintenance and landscaping plan for the large median that runs along W. Trinity Ave. between Buchanan Blvd. and Watts St. The City of Durham owns

Posted in Stewardship and beautification, Trinity Park Foundation

Caring for Our Public Spaces

The Trinity Park Foundation, garden upkeep and the Blossom Garden Club The Trinity Park Foundation is the neighborhood’s non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable entity. It was formed in 1980 to purchase the land at the corner of Watts St. and West Trinity

Posted in Environment, Stewardship and beautification, Trinity Park Foundation, Volunteering

October 16: 2022 Trinity Park Home Tour

The 2022 Trinity Park Home Tour – “Home Renovations – Fresh Ideas in an Historic Neighborhood” – was a great success, with perfect fall weather and nearly 800 guests. Thanks to all who made it possible – homeowners, volunteers,  sponsors ,

Posted in Arts and culture, Community development, Neighborhood Events

George Watts Gets Some Solar Wattage

By Thibault Worth This summer, you may have noticed a strange new object on the George Watts school playground: a pole-mounted array of solar panels. Visible from both Dacian Ave. and Urban Ave., the array will produce solar energy for

Posted in Education, Environment, Stewardship and beautification

Hyper-local Hunger Relief Efforts with PORCH

By Katy Barron Amy Jones, Executive Director of PORCH-Durham, recently visited Trinity Park to meet with neighbors and to boost enthusiasm for our monthly food drives.  PORCH is a nonprofit that supports hunger programs, such as food pantries at Durham

Posted in Advocacy, Community development, Neighborhood Events, Volunteering

Recycle or Landfill?

Sometimes rumors spread about recycling that can make you wonder if recycling actually “works.”  TP neighbor Matt Todd, Senior Consultant with Resource Recycling Systems (RRS,, has worked in recycling for 25+ years, and assures us that recycling is as

Posted in Environment

Jerry and Neighborhood Hazardous Waste Pick-up

By Julia Borbely-Brown Several times in the past decades I have organized a hazardous waste collection morning to save you the time and effort of driving to Durham’s Solid Waste site on E. Club Blvd. On the morning of Saturday

Posted in Community development, Environment, Health and safety, Personal interest, Stewardship and beautification

Wetlands on West Trinity Ave.

By Scott Doron In May (2022) I attended a public information event about the South Ellerbe Creek Restoration project at 808 W. Trinity Ave. I wanted to learn more about the kinds of plants, landscaping, and amenities that will eventually

Posted in Environment, New Developments, Recreation, Stewardship and beautification

Update on Northgate Mall Re-development

By James Dobbins On the evening of August 25, Northwood Ravin, the developers of the Northgate Mall property, held a Zoom community meeting during which they presented a current plan for that parcel. The prior plan proposing a mix of

Posted in Advocacy, New Developments