TPNA Annual Meeting and Board Elections, January 12 at 7:00 pm via zoom

All neighbors are invited to attend the TPNA Annual Meeting on Wednesday, January 12, at 7 pm via Zoom (link given through the Trinity Park listserv, Facebook group , or by direct request ). We have a fantastic slate of board candidates for the coming year. Come show

Posted in Membership, Neighborhood Events, Volunteering

Thank You to Our Newsletter Deliverers!

A big thank you to Emily Daly and Annie Ambrose for their kind and dedicated years of neighborhood newsletter delivery. Emily has been delivering for nearly a decade of volunteering and Annie has close to seven years! Welcome to the

Posted in Community development, Volunteering

Introducing Plein Air Durham Arts Festival, Seeking Neighbor Support

The inaugural “Plein Air Durham Arts Festival” will happen next spring, the weekend of April 29, 2022 at the Golden Belt Campus.  During the three-day festival, 18+ artists from the Triangle and beyond will paint scenes within Durham County from

Posted in Arts and culture, Volunteering

Halloween 2021

After last year’s pandemic pause, TPNA hosted a Halloween celebration, with a few Covid-friendly changes from previous years. We gave out candy and glow sticks in the park as usual. But in lieu of the traditional costume contest and kids

Posted in Community development, Holidays, Neighborhood Events

National Night Out

Tuesday, August 3, was Trinity Park’s National Night Out – a community picnic bringing neighbors together with local law enforcement and government officials. TPNA provided hot dogs, pizza, drinks, and snacks, and neighbors brought favorite dishes to share.  Julia Borbely-Brown

Posted in Community development, Neighborhood Events

Leave Your Leaves!

At the November TPNA Board meeting, guest speakers Ellen Reckhow, former County Commissioner, and Chay’La Hart, NCCU Senior and outreach intern with New Hope Audubon Society, educated us about the “Leave Your Leaves” initiative, describing the enormous environmental and economic

Posted in Environment, Stewardship and beautification

Trinity Park Foundation Update: New Labels for Artwork

With a $1400 grant from Duke through the Duke-Durham Neighborhood Partnership, awarded in partnership with TPNA, the Trinity Park Foundation purchased (and will soon install) long-hoped-for bronze labels for the three works of art located in The Trinity Park.  With

Posted in Stewardship and beautification, Trinity Park Foundation

Bikes, Pedestrians, and Traffic Barriers on Watts St.

The City of Durham implemented the Shared Streets pilot project last fall, to increase the options for safe travel and exercise in urban areas during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Seven streets throughout the city, including Watts St., were selected for the

Posted in Health and safety, Recreation, Traffic

Neighborhood Improvements: Rain Gardens, Artwork, and Ellerbe Creek Cultural Signage

Thanks to Duke’s Doing Good In the Neighborhood grant program, Trinity Park benefitted from several improvements this summer: Rain Gardens The rain gardens on the George Watts school playground protect downhill areas of the neighborhood, including Ellerbe Creek, by preventing

Posted in Environment, Neighborhood Events, Stewardship and beautification

December 19 Luminaria

Lighting luminaries along neighborhood streets is a beautiful winter tradition, and it is scheduled to happen throughout Durham this year on Sunday, December 19, at sundown. Please join your neighbors in lighting up the neighborhood and supporting the Riverside High School PTA

Posted in Arts and culture, Community development, Holidays, Neighborhood Events