
All the best news relevant to the neighborhood! TPNA publishes Trinity Park News 4 times a year in a lovely, printed format (yes, printed on actual paper) and delivers it to your door for your reading pleasure free of charge.

Spring 2025 Trinity Park News

ADVERTISE WITH US: Become a TPNA sponsor to advertise your local business. Contact Marcie Porter for advertising costs, help with ad design, and any other questions about sponsorship.

HELP WITH DESIGN AND LAYOUT: Help us make the newsletter beautiful. Contact Steve Unruhe if you can help!

HELP DELIVER THE NEWSLETTER TO YOUR NEIGHBORS: Join our small and mighty group of delivery volunteers, and be a neighborhood hero! Contact Carol Anderson for more information.

BECOME A TPNA MEMBER: Everyone in the neighborhood (about 1500 households) gets a copy of each newsletter, whether they are members or not. But we count on membership dues to help pay for printing costs. Join or renew your membership to help keep the Trinity Park News coming!

WRITE AN ARTICLE: Want to see some different news in the newsletter? Let us know.