Most of Trinity Park to serve as “base area” for George Watts Elementary in 2024

By Steve Unruhe New attendance zones for elementary schools will go into place in the fall of 2024 with the passage of the Growing Together plan by the Durham Public Schools Board of Education. George Watts Elementary will continue to

Posted in Education

Tráfico en las Calles Duke y Gregson

Por Mollie Flowe El Comité de Tránsito del vecindario, dirigido por Mollie Flowe y John Hodges-Copple, tiene la intención de pedirle a la Ciudad que se haga cargo de algunas de las calles peligrosamente rápidas y de dirección única, especialmente

Posted in Neighborhood concerns, Traffic

Traffic on Duke and Gregson

By Mollie Flowe The TPNA Traffic Committee, chaired by Mollie Flowe and advised by retired planner John Hodges-Copple, is working on a plan to ask the city to take over some of Durham’s dangerously fast one-way streets. Of particular interest

Posted in Neighborhood concerns, Traffic

Congratulations, Graduates of 2023!

All the 5th grade graduates of George Watts: Alice, Andwele, August, Axel, Britney, Brooklyn, Bryn, Charlie, Christian, Clara, Danny, Eliza Grace, Ella, Elli, Elliott W., Ethan, Evie, Francisco, Grayson, Ishan, Israel, James, Jeep, Jojo, Jon, Jorge, Joselyn, Lia, Lowry, Lucien,

Posted in Education

Meet your neighbor and sponsor: Sarah Hill

by Annie Ambrose Sarah Hill is a longtime Trinity Park resident, currently at 1011 Dacian Ave (downstairs, unit A), and owner of Hamilton Hill Jewelry , a longtime sponsor of the Trinity Park News. Trinity Park neighbor Sarah Hill of Hamilton Hill

Posted in Local Business Spotlight, Local Businesses or Organizations, Personal interest

Earth Day 2023 Outcomes

By Mollie Flowe Many thanks to the volunteers who came out on Earth Day, Saturday April 22, for our neighborhood Clean-Up-Palooza Beautification Extravaganza. Extra special thanks to Julia Borbely-Brown, who organized the multi-pronged event and sponsored the Triangle E-cycling collection and Jerry Reese‘s transport of hazardous materials.  Two truckloads of

Posted in Environment, Neighborhood Events, Stewardship and beautification

POSTPONED! FREE concert in the Park, originally scheduled for Sunday May 28, is postponed due to rain

Trinity Park neighbor and cellist Marc Moskovitz has delighted neighbors for many years through his Salon Series – performances held in homes throughout the neighborhood. Alas, all good things must come to an end! The Salon Series is now coming

Posted in Arts and culture, Neighborhood Events

Earth Day in Trinity Park! 

Clean-Up-Palooza Beautification ExtravaganzaSaturday April 22, 9:00 am – Noon Creek Clean-up

  • 9:00 am: Meet at the Ellerbe Creek Greenway trail entrance on the 800 block of Green St.
  • Bring work gloves if you have them. 
  • We’lll pick up

Posted in Advocacy, Education, Environment, Health and safety, Neighborhood Events


Join or renew* your TPNA membership  by April 30, 2023, for a chance to win a $25 gift certificate to  Cloche Coffee on Broad St . We have 1 prize for first-time members and 1 prize for all other current members.  Check your membership status (send a note to )

Posted in Membership, TPNA

Spring Event Rescheduled

Due to the heavy rains and sever weather, the Spring Egg Event is rescheduled for Sunday, April 16, 12noon – 2pm in Trinity Park.  We will have events for the kids and will provide refreshments, activities, and give out treats.

Posted in Community development, Holidays, Neighborhood Events